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10 Things that I Think About

This week I was asked to write down 10 things that I probably think about more than the average person. When trying to come up with these 10 things off the top of my head, it was hard. I couldn't think of the things that I am always thinking about. I kept the prompt in the back of my mind as I continued throughout the week, and I slowly started to fill in 10 things throughout the week.

Here is what I think about more than the average person:

1. Food:

I didn't realize it, but I think about food a lot more than the average person should. There are days when my day pretty much revolves around food. Especially on the weekends, when I don't have class or work. I plan my entire day on eating. For instance, last weekend I wanted Bob's Subs (a small town Sub shop in Clarion, PA), so I planned my entire day around things I could do or get done in Clarion, simply because I wanted to eat there. I am definitely thinking about food more than the average person; I even plan an entire day due to it.

2. My appearance:

Everyday I am thinking about my appearance. I am worried about putting on makeup and finding the right outfit. Somedays it consumes my thoughts more than other days. I am not sure why, but sometimes I don't care about my appearance at all. I will have days where I will think about what I look like maybe a few times, but then other days I will think about it all day. I'm constantly thinking or worrying about my image, probably more than most people.

3. Space:

This has been a topic that has just recently consumed my thoughts due to my obsessive watching of conspiracy videos. I am absolutely fascinated with space. I think that it is amazing. It truly is amazing. It's so big and mysterious; I love it. I look in the sky and think about planets, moons, and stars all the time.

4. Aliens:

Due to my fascination with space, the thought of a possibility that there is life on another planet also floods my mind. I also blame this on the conspiracy videos that I have been watching. Every time that I am driving at night, I find myself looking into the sky to see if I can spot a UFO. I need to stop thinking about aliens so much though because my friends and family are starting to think that I have gone crazy (LOL).

6. My bed:

I think about my bed all the time. This is probably what I think about the most. When I am sitting in class, I just think about how nice it would be to be laying in my bed, under the covers with all my fuzzy pillows. My bed is so cozy and comfy. I could literally live out the rest of my life in my bed and probably be content (JK that's a little excessive).

7. Death:

I don't like to think about death, but I do think about it a lot. I probably think about it so much because it is my biggest fear. I don't like the thought of me dying or the thought of someone that I love dying. Whenever I start thinking about it, I try to instantly distract myself with a different thought because I hate the thought of it so much.

8. My grades:

I get anxiety everyday thinking about my grades. After I finish a big project or after taking a big exam, I will think about the grade that I got on it for hours before even checking the grade. I want to get all A's more than anything, so when I see that I get a bad grade on an assignment it makes me sad, and I cry and stress about it for weeks.

9. Old friends or ex boyfriends:

I probably think about my old friends and ex boyfriends more than the average person. It's probably because part of me misses them, but I think it is also because I like to look back at how far I have grown since having them in my life. I don't want to think about them, but I do think about them a lot.

10. Future:

I think about the future all the time. I wish I knew where I am going to end up. I have all these ideas of the future where I am a successful Dentist with a big happy family. It seems so far away to think about. All I want is to live a fun and healthy life, so I think about the future all the time.

Those are just 10 of the many things that I think about way too much. I wish I wasn't thinking about most of these things. It honestly takes up too much of my day; I wish I would think of more productive things. Hopefully someday I will find better things to consume my mind. Until then, I will waste my time day dreaming about food, aliens, and my bed.

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